Thursday, 10 February 2011

this time last year

this time last year we were launching this Developing and Exploring module for the first time. There was, for me, a great sense of adventure. There was a sense of an unknown destination. We started with a premise; and that was to traverse laterally across contemporary animation practices, and also drill down historically once arrived at a rich place that attracted the individuals interest.
the areas of animation interest do not stop at single screen projections, nor big studios and their output.

I kept a blog, the same as everyone else on the module. (and I was astonished at the depth of information available with just a bit of time, and a few synaptic leaps, and a few coincidences.

You are being given space this term. Space in which you can get to grips with your practice. it was felt that the programme did not have any space in it, and I am very happy to say that now you can get busy with developing your own practice.

up until now you have been working on exercises, group films, professional development... you have never had nothing to do.

this term. I (we the university) do not want you to do anything for me. instead I want you to do everything for yourself, (and if that remains to be nothing, so be it).
All I want you to do is log the time, and history/ route of your development and explorations.

A blog is a live object, and posts are dated. I want you to check out last years Level 2 blogs. this will be an example of the king of investigations they were on.

You are detective.

their sample blogs can be found
here. the blogs, you will probably discover are mixed, engagement and depth. however they are evidencing inquiry, and all directions are self found, so they are really honest.

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